How to keep your immune system strong ..

 Covid-19, The world is in fear of the corona.  Many people die from the Kovid epidemic.  Experts say that people with weakened immune systems are more likely to catch corona.  'One of the main ways to fight Kovid is to increase immunity.  It is important to understand that a good immune system requires some lifestyle changes ... '- said lifestyle trainer Luke Cotinho.

 "How to keep our immune system strong will help us deal with not only the corona virus, but also the everyday problems around us, such as pollution and food poisoning," Luke said.

 Focusing on getting proper nutrition, getting enough exercise, and getting enough rest will help boost your immune system, "said Luke.
  (1) Using certain ingredients in your kitchen can help boost immunity (e.g. ... turmeric, garlic, ginger, coconut oil, etc.)  Says.
 "The sugar we eat every day can destroy immunity. Not only sugar, but any processed food can be the biggest enemy in terms of health," he said.

(2) Luke says that coconut oil is a great remedy for boosting the immune system. You can cook food in pure coconut oil or just eat coconut oil.  The lauric acid contained in it helps in boosting the immune system against viruses.

(3) Vitamin-C rich foods like gooseberry, capsicum, citrus fruits and vitamin C supplements are a must.

(4) Luke says that even lack of sleep can lead to a weakened immune system.  "Sleep deprivation causes T cells to shrink, leading to colds, coughs, fevers and infections ..." Luke said.

(5) Consumption of crushed ginger and honey is the best remedy to boost immunity.


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