some of the health benefits of potato Juice..

According to lifestyle trainers (Luke Cotinho), some of the health benefits of eating potatoes are:

It is generally said that eating potatoes increases body weight.  Therefore, no one is more interested in eating potatoes.  Many delicious dishes are made with potatoes.  Potatoes are a common vegetable.  Potatoes contain a lot of nutrients.  Potatoes are rich in fiber, potassium and protein.  Lifestyle trainer Luke Cotinho talks about some of the health benefits of eating potatoes.

 (1) Potato juice has the ability to neutralize stomach acid.People with acidity can drink 50 ml to 100 ml of potato juice daily.  Cotinho says potato juice can help get some relief from ulcers.

 (2) For those with dry skin, drinking half a glass of potato juice a day can be very beneficial in reducing drought, Cotinho said.  Potatoes can remove dirt from the skin and keep it shiny.

 (3) Potatoes are rich in vitamin B.  Vitamin B is very important for improving brain function.

 (4) Potatoes contain iron and vitamin C.  Cotinho says drinking a glass of potato juice will give you your daily requirement of vitamin C.  Containing vitamin C in the diet can help improve the absorption of iron in the body.

 (5) Vitamin C also helps in the formation of collagen in the skin.  Other essential nutrients in potatoes are zinc, calcium and vitamin K.  These vitamins are good for bone health.


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