Uses of pepper and its benefits ..

      Pepper is an important spice used in cooking in India.  It is very common to use pepper in omelettes.  But pepper has many benefits beyond taste.

  You can lose weight

        Pepper helps in proper absorption of nutrients from the diet.  The phytonutrients in the peel of the pepper help to eliminate fat.  It helps to expel excess water, toxins and sweat from the body through urine.  These are all things that can help you lose weight.Sprinkle pepper powder on the food while eating.  But care must be taken not to overuse.

  Solution for gastritis

  The carminative ingredients in pepper help to eliminate flatulence.  It can also be used to relieve abdominal pain.  To reduce the gastrointestinal problem, add pepper powder instead of red chilli powder in the diet.

  Skin radiance

  Pepper helps to remove toxins from the skin through perspiration and also enhances skin radiance.  Peppermint powder can be used to remove dead skin cells, increase blood flow to the skin, and provide more oxygen and nutrients to the skin.  The anti-bacterial and anti-bacterial properties of pepper prevent acne-like problems.

  Remedy for dandruff

  Stop using shampoo as a dandruff solution and use pepper.  Its anti-bacterial properties help to get rid of dandruff.  Add a teaspoon of crushed pepper to a cup of yoghurt and apply it on the scalp.  It can be rinsed off after half an hour.  Use the next day without shampooing at this time.  But keep in mind that excessive use of pepper can cause headaches.

  Remedy for runny nose and cough

  Cough,.  Pepper is a natural remedy for colds.  This is made possible by the anti-bacterial properties of pepper.  The intensity and burning sensation of pepper helps to remove mucus.  Can be used after sprinkling pepper powder in juices and soups.  This will quickly expel the mucus from the nose and facilitate breathing.


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