Pistachio is a storehouse of protein.

Pistachios, which are high in fiber, can help reduce obesity.  Pistachios are good for digestion.  And pistachio easily quenches hunger.  A study by the University of California, Berkeley, found that these can help lower blood pressure.

Pistachios are one of the healthiest nuts.  Pistachios are rich in calcium, iron and zinc.  In addition, pistachios are rich in vitamins A, B6, K, C and E, as well as phosphorus and protein.
Pistachios are also good for controlling blood sugar levels.  Therefore, pistachios can be included in the diet for diabetics. Pistachios are good for maintaining eye health and brain health.  Vitamin B contained in pistachios can also help control the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
 Pistachio is a storehouse of protein.  100 grams of pistachio contains about 20 grams of protein.  So these will give the body the energy it needs.  These are something that pregnant women should include.  Pistachios also help boost immunity.  Vitamin E in pistachios helps maintain youth and skin health


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