Wear a smart mask and easily handle eight languages ​​!!!

Tokyo A Japanese startup company is smartly introducing Mask, the arrival of Corona has brought a lot of changes and influences to the world.  Today we live in a social distance and wear max.  A Japanese startup company is smartly introducing Mask, a key security measure against Kovid.  Instead of covering your face, you can use it to send messages and translate from Japanese to eight other languages.  The smart masks can be connected to smartphones and tablets using Bluetooth.  The mask, called 'C Mask', is made of white plastic.
  Bluetooth can also be used to connect text to smartphones and tablets to convert speech into text.  C Mask can send messages and translate from Japanese to up to eight languages.  Translated into Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, English, Spanish and French.  This mask will help you to deal with these spoken languages.  The C mask can also increase the volume of the mask wearer.  The C mask can be worn over the normally worn mask.
  The C Mask is priced at forty dollars.  In the first phase, 5,000 masks will be launched in Japan in early September.  The company also plans to roll out the C-Mask in China, Europe and the United States.


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