The Wonderful berry of Coco de mer..

The Wonderful berry of Coco de Mer.
 Coco de Mer is one of the rarest plants on earth.  This plant, which is similar to coconut and palm, is also known as twin.  Scientific name lodo-iceamaldivica.  The Seychelles island community in the Indian Ocean has more than double that.  That, too, is only about 5,000 trees, more than that and immature.  Twins are also found in Sri Lanka, the island of Mali.

 Until the discovery of the Coco de Mer tree on the island of Praslin in the Seychelles in 1768, the world thought it was the fruit of some divine tree growing under the sea.  This is why it is also known as sea buckthorn.
 Male and female separate twins Coconut weighs 15-40 kg.  Twins are the heaviest fruit in the plant world.  It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring.  Coconut takes 6-7 years to ripen and two years to germinate.  Female trees bear fruit only after about 100 years.  This endangered species is endemic to the island of Seychelles.  Coco de Mer was an island nation in the Indian Ocean that initially grew only on the islands of Praslin and Curios in the Seychelles.  The berries fell from the trees on these uninhabited islands into the sea.  Due to their weight, they go to the bottom of the sea.  There the husk and coir rot and the seeds come out.  The rule was that the seeds, which would then rise to the surface of the sea, were to be given to the Sultan of Maldives.  In the Maldives, coco dimer was considered a miraculous seed growing on the seabed.
 There were many myths about Coco de Meri in Europe.  The seed was thought to be the antidote to all poisons. The Portuguese poet Louis Camis wrote a poem about the seed. It is mentioned in many novebls.  In 1769, the French adventurer Dean Duchamine arrived on the island of Praslin and discovered cocoa dimer trees and sold his ship full of berries.  This was the end of the divine stories about Coco de Meri

  See you in Mumbai

 It is said that Captain Dashmin, a sailor, brought twins from the Seychelles to Mumbai in the 18th century.  In any case, the Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden under the Botanical Survey of India in Howrah is now the only twin in India.  This double coconut is a seed coconut plant brought from Seychelles in 1894.  The tree was first identified as a female tree in 1998 after flowering.  Inflorescence axillary racemes, about 2 years old;  The tree, which has been flowering regularly since 2006, was then artificially pollinated using pollen brought from outside.  In 2013, however, artificial pollination with pollen from Thailand was successful.  Through this pollination a total of two twins were born.  These will take another two to three 

 There are many myths and superstitions surrounding the twins.  It is important to note that having twins is all about wealth.  It is known in European palaces and palaces as the Holyseed of God, the giver of wealth and prosperity.


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